General Article Questions about refugees and asylum seekers

Topic Selected: Expat or Immigrant?
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Where do asylum seekers come from?

The top 4 countries that asylum seekers arriving in the UK have fled from are:

  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Somalia
  • Sri Lanka

Together, these 4 countries account for a massive 39% of UK asylum applications.*

These are countries ravaged by war or with appalling human rights records. They are all places where persecution occurs, and has been well documented.

The vast majority of asylum seekers flee from the world's trouble spots. The numbers of asylum seekers arriving in the UK inevitably reflects the international situation at any one time.

What problems do they face?

Asylum seekers often arrive traumatised by their experiences of persecution, torture and flight. In addition, when they reach the UK, they have a set of new problems to contend with . . .

  • Language barriers
  • Isolation
  • Lack of good quality legal advice
  • Detention centres
  • Racism
  • Living 30% below the poverty line

Asylum seekers are NOT allowed to work whilst in the UK. Yet they are expected to live ...

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