General Article Racial prejudice

Topic Selected: Challenging Racism
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Perceptions of racial prejudice

3.1 Survey respondents were asked whether they thought there was more, less, or about the same level of racial prejudice in Britain today as there was five years ago. People who said that there was either more or less racial prejudice were asked a follow-up question to determine which ethnic groups they thought faced more or less prejudice.


Headline and trend

3.2 Just under half (47%) of people thought that there was more racial prejudice today than there was five years ago, which represented a decrease on 2008-09 levels when 50% of people believed this. Conversely, there was an increase in those believing levels of racial prejudice had remained the same (from 28% to 32%). It is interesting to note that the proportion of people who believed there was more racial prejudice over the previous five years was the same as the proportion of people believing there was more religious prejudice over this period (46%).


3.3 Between 2001 and 2007-08, the...

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