It’s illegal to treat people differently because of their race or culture. If it happens to you, remember – no one has the right to make you feel bad or abuse you for who you are.
What is racism?
Racism is when someone’s treated differently or unfairly just because of their race or culture. People can also experience prejudice, when a decision is made or opinion formed without knowledge, thought or reason, because of their religion or nationality.
Racism takes many different forms. These can include:
- written or verbal threats or insults
- damage to property, including graffiti
- personal attacks of any kind, including violence
- being treated differently or being excluded because of your race or culture
- having people make assumptions about you because of your race or culture
- people making racist jokes.
Racism can affect anyone. It exists in all races and cultures. If someone is abused or treated unfairly just because of their race, background or culture, this is racism – no matter where...
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