Someone taking an indecent image of themselves, and sending it to their friends or boy/girlfriend via a mobile phone or some other form of technology is sometimes referred to as ‘sexting’.
Once these images have been taken and sent to others, control is lost of them and they can end up anywhere. They could be seen by friends and family, a future employer, or even, in some cases, end up in the possession of an offender!
This also puts that person who originally sent the images in a vulnerable position, as somebody they may or may not know now has these images and could use technology to bully, harass or even try to locate them.
Just think – if you wouldn’t print and pass these images around your school or show your mum or dad, they are not appropriate to share via phone or other technologies.
What can I do?
If you receive an indecent image or text from someone, do not send this image on to others. You will need to report it to a responsible adult.
If you know that an indecent image of ...
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