General Article Sex and power: 5,400 women missing from top jobs

Topic Selected: Gender Equality
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The report, Sex & Power 2011, measures the number of women in positions of power and influence across 27 occupational categories in the public and private sectors.
The Commission’s report calculates that at the current rate of change it will take around 70 years to reach an equal number of men and women directors of FTSE 100 companies. It also found it could be up to 70 years before there are an equal number of women MPs in Parliament – another 14 general elections.
Worryingly, the results of this year’s report differ very little from those in the previous report of 2008.
Figures from this year’s report reveal that, while women are graduating from university in increasing numbers and achieve better degree results than men, and despite level pegging with men in their twenties, they are not entering management ranks at the same rate, and many remain trapped in the layer below senior management.

Among this year’s findings were:

In politics women represent:

  • 22.2 per cent of MPs (up...

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