General Article Short history of marijuana

Topic Selected: Cannabis
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Ancient world

The hallucinogenic properties of marijuana were very popular in parts of the ancient world, including India and Nepal. It was used as part of their religious ceremonies to induce a trance-like state.


In the 1st century AD the Chinese used marijuana for its medicinal qualities. Marijuana formed part of many herbal remedies at that time and was a commonly used substance.

India and the Middle East

The use of marijuana as a medicine spread to other parts of the world such as India and the Middle East. But it also had a range of other uses, including recreation, religious ceremonies and manufacture.

Hemp fibre was harvested from marijuana plants to make clothes, ropes, sacks, mats and fishing nets.

Western Europe

In the 19th century soldiers from Napoleon’s army brought marijuana with them from their time spent fighting in North Africa. This was the first introduction of marijuana as a recreational drug to Western Europe.

It was also used for medicinal purpos...

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