Damon Applegate – Cannabis smoker
My Dad was an alcoholic and died from it. I choose not to drink alcohol (which is also a drug!). I don’t really like the effects and I think it makes people loud and aggressive. It’s also really bad for your health. I enjoy having the odd joint instead. I think cannabis is much more natural and it makes me relaxed and also think more creatively.
Fact: Cannabis has been smoked for thousands of years and there has never been a known fatal overdose.
Issue: I’m not harming anyone. I just like the feeling of getting stoned sometimes. I don’t think the law has any business saying I can’t.
Question: Yes, dope makes you laidback, but is that such a bad thing? All this ‘progress’ is destroying the planet – using up resources, causing global warming. What’s wrong with people chilling out a bit?
Jess Baker – Probation officer
I work with young people who’ve been released from prison. Going to prison can be a horrible experience for a young perso...
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