General Article So-called honour-based abuse

Topic Selected: 'Honour-based' Abuse Book Volume: 443

An extract.

So-called honour-based abuse can take a variety of forms, including female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, honour killings, abandonment, breast flattening, and other forms of domestic abuse perpetrated in a perceived defence of ‘honour.’ It is the motivating factors behind the abuse that identifies it as honour-based, rather than the abuse itself, and that it is usually carried out with the collusion or approval from family and/or community members.

Whilst some forms of honour-based abuse are perceived and reported as occurring in certain communities, we heard it can occur within any community and is not a mainstream practice of any specific religion or culture. Perpetrators may be the victim’s partner or former partner, parent or relative, a community member, or someone unknown to the victim – some perpetrators may be or have been victims themselves. It can also involve an international dimension. The majority of victims are female, though a significant minor...

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