By Lukas Audickas
Key points (England)
More men than women participate in sport
Around 63% of men were active in sport compared to 58% of women, based on the Active Lives Survey data for year ending May 2017.
Women prefer walking for leisure, men general sports
The most popular physical activity among women was walking for leisure (24%) followed by fitness activities (19%) in May 2017. Men were the most active in general sporting activities (29% of men compared to just under 17% of women).
Around 43% of people with a disability were active in sport
On average 43% of people with a disability participated in sport activities for over 150 minutes a week in year ending May 2017. This was more than 20 percentage points lower than 65% of those with no disability.
Highest participation among highest social classes
Around 70% of individuals in managerial, administrative and professional occupations were active in sport in year ending May 2017. In contrast, around 49% of those long term unem...
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