General Article State of the blogosphere 2010

Topic Selected: The Media
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Welcome to Technorati’s State of the Blog-osphere 2010 report. Since 2004, our annual study has followed growth and trends in the blogosphere. For 2010, we took a deeper dive into the entire blogosphere, with a focus on female bloggers. This year’s topics include: brands embracing social media; traditional media vs. social media; brands working with bloggers; monetisation; smartphone and tablet usage; importance of Twitter and Facebook; niche blogging, and changes within the blogosphere over 2010.

Summary of key findings

The 2010 edition of State of the Blogosphere finds blogs in transition – no longer an upstart community, now with influence on mainstream narratives firmly entrenched, with bloggers still searching for the next steps forward. Bloggers’ use of and engagement with various social media tools is expanding, and the lines between blogs, micro-blogs and social networks are disappearing. As the blogosphere converges with social media, sharing of blog posts is increasingly...

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