Securing Britain in an Age of Uncertainty: The Strategic Defence and Security Review details how our Armed Forces will be reshaped to tackle emerging and future threats.
There have been two main priorities in the review:
- to ensure that our mission in Afghanistan is protected; and
- to make sure we emerge with a coherent defence capability in 2020.
Afghanistan remains the MOD’s top priority and we will do all we can to ensure success.
Defence cannot continue on an unaffordable footing. The SDSR aims to bring defence plans, commitments and resources into balance so that we have a coherent defence capability and a sustainable defence programme for the future.
Secretary of State for Defence Dr Liam Fox said:
‘The front line has been protected because Afghanistan is the Government’s top priority.
‘Tough decisions are required to reconfigure our Armed Forces to confront future threats whilst we also tackle the £38bn deficit that has accumulated in the 12 years since the last Def...
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