General Article Struggling children turn to bullying to cope

Topic Selected: Bullying
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Children and young people struggling with personal issues are turning to bullying to help them cope according to a new survey.


The survey by anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label gathered responses from 8,850 12- to 20-year-olds on the subject of bullying. Of those surveyed half said they had been bullied, while a quarter of those who were bullied had resorted to bullying themselves.


Bullying as a response

The survey looked at the link between bullying and stress or trauma in the young people’s lives. Of this link Ditch the Label say in their report:

“We were interested to see if bullying could be considered a behavioural response to stress or trauma. Our hypothesis was confirmed with very strong correlations – finding those who bully are more likely to experience stressful and/or traumatic situations than those who do not, suggesting it is a responsive behaviour.”


On being a bully

For the report, the charity spoke to young people who had bullied others. One girl, now 18, said...

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