General Article Suffering PTSD from school bullying: My search for validation

Topic Selected: Anti-Bullying Book Volume: 450

It took me a long time to get rid of the shame that plagued me after my experience at school, and the reason for that lies in a portion of society’s refusal to recognise being bullied as a serious and traumatic experience.

[This article contains themes of abuse and accounts of personal trauma]

By Hannah Broughton 

Conversations around trauma and mental health in all their complicated forms have become less taboo in the last couple of decades, and you’d have to be a hermit not to notice.

One of the most commonly experienced catalysts for trauma and mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, is bullying, with an estimated prevalence rate of 32% in schools and 30% in workplaces.

It’s hard to know whether this estimation is at all accurate because so many children and adults don’t report their experiences of bullying. Despite it being described as an ‘epidemic’ and on the rise worldwide, bullying is still often dismissed as just being a difficult but normal part of life.


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