Do you always get on well with your siblings? Love them or hate them we all sometimes have fallings out with our loved ones. Here are some tips on how to deal with some common issues.
They keep copying me!
Your sibling is copying (or ‘borrowing’) your clothes, belongings, music, etc.
While this can be extremely annoying, you need to remember that by stealing your style, they are actually showing you how much they respect you and your choices. They look upon you as a role-model and instead of losing it with them, try to help them to discover their own style. You do need to make it clear that they need to ask you before taking your stuff, but don’t be too angry with them, after all imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
Once they find their own style then they usually stop copying you. Sit down with them and tell them how it makes you feel as they may not realise how it’s affecting you.
The green-eyed monster
You are jealous of your sibling, everything they do is better than y...
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