In 2015 the UK Government committed to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals aim to improve peace, prosperity, access to healthcare and education and tackle climate change worldwide.
The SDGs, also known as the ‘Global Goals’, replaced the 2001 Millennium Development Goals, which only covered developing countries. The new goals apply to advanced economies like the UK.
Each country signed up to a deadline of 2030 to achieve the SDGs and has to report on how they are performing.
On 26 June, the UK Government published its report on the implementation of the SDGs so far. The UK’s report – the Voluntary National Review (VNR) – will be presented at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development scheduled for 16-18 July in New York.
Critics argue that the UK’s performance has been inadequate in important policy areas, including combating hunger and food insecurity at home. They also state the Government has not established effective structures and...
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