On 26 January 2011 the Home Secretary announced the outcome of the review of counter-terrorism and security powers, including the review of control orders. This included a commitment to repeal control orders and replace them with a more focussed and less intrusive system of terrorism prevention and investigation measures.
The new system will protect the public from individuals who pose a real terrorist threat, but whom we cannot prosecute or, in the case of foreign nationals, deport.
The Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill marks a key milestone in the Government’s programme to rebalance intrusive security powers and increase safeguards for civil liberties.
The Bill and explanatory notes can be found on the Parliament website (www.parliament.uk).
What will the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill do?
The Bill includes the following provisions:
- repeal of control orders (Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005);
- introduction of replacement system of t...
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