General Article The 4 components of body image

Topic Selected: Body Image & Self-Esteem Book Volume: 446

Your body image creates the relationship you have with your body.

By Monica Johnson Psy.D.

It’s the start of a new year, and for many, that means standing in front of the mirror, cataloguing everything that is ‘wrong’ with your body that you plan to fix this year. Well, I’m here to help you fix your mind about your body!

We will start by giving a basic definition of body image. Your body image encompasses your perceptions, beliefs, feelings, thoughts, and actions that pertain to your physical appearance. In essence, it’s your personal relationship with your body. I like this definition because you have a lot of control over those things if you’re using the right coping strategies.

The goal in my mind is to spend most of our time in a body positive or body neutral state. There is enormous societal pressure to look a certain way, so even the best of us will have insecurities that crop up from time to time.

Examples of negative body image

When people have a negative body image, there a...

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