Attack of the Keyboard Warrior.
Blogpost by Steve McKeown
You’re on your favourite social media platform and an idea springs to mind that you want to post, or you decide to share someone else’s post. To you, your post is tepid, inoffensive and polite. You wonder if anyone will like the post, or even bother to comment on it.
After logging off to complete your day, you settle down in the evening and decide to see if anyone noticed your post. You are pleasantly surprised that your post has received seven likes and 15 comments. You click on the comments and your heart sinks. Amongst the jolly banter from friends are hidden a couple of nasty, even sinister messages about your post. What alarms you aside from the content of the messages is that you don’t know the people commenting. You shudder and feel as though you are being stalked.
Say hello to the Keyboard Warrior, often referred to as a troll or hater. Your mind wonders why they would type such poison, especially when they don’t kno...
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