The future of energy for the UK has never been so important.
Energy has become front page news; Electricity Market Reform, the General Election in 2015, environmental legislation, energy costs and developments in the economy will all have a major impact on the future energy landscape. No one can be certain how the energy future will evolve and this uncertainty may continue for decades.
Our Future Energy Scenarios (FES) represent transparent, holistic paths through that uncertain landscape to help the Government, our customers and other stakeholders make informed decisions.
The views of our stakeholders are essential in shaping the direction and content of our new future energy scenarios. Our goal is for everyone who has an interest in the UK’s energy future to engage with us so that we can develop the most rich, robust and plausible range of scenarios possible.
Our future energy scenarios for 2014
This year we have broadened the range of our scenarios from two to four, which f...
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