Move comes amid surging use by children – but could prompt a clash with Scotland.
By Emilio Casalicchio
LONDON – U.K. ministers are considering slapping a new tax on vaping products to discourage their use as part of a wider crackdown on the addictive smoking alternative.
Proposals being considered by the government also include regulations on packaging, marketing and flavourings in a bid to stem the increased use of vapes among children, two people with knowledge of the plans told POLITICO’s Playbook PM.
Ministers are not, however, expected to impose an all-out ban on disposable vapes – teeing up a potential constitutional clash with the Scottish government if it goes down that route.
The proposals are being drawn up in response to the Khan review, which was published in 2022 and looked at whether the British government can make England smoking-free before 2030.
The government’s response is set to be published in the spring and could include new legislation to tackle a surge in the...
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