To safeguard children, young people and adult learners who are vulnerable to radicalisation, designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) will need to take a risk-based approach.
The DSL should understand the risk of radicalisation in their area and educational setting. This risk will vary greatly and can change quickly, but nowhere is risk free.
To understand the risks or threats in your area, contact your:
- Prevent coordinator or Prevent education officer in your local authority (if applicable)
- HEFE (higher education and further education) regional Prevent coordinator (if you have one)
- local policing team
- local authority or safeguarding children partnership
- local authority or police Prevent partners (for access to your counter-terrorism local profile)
The threat of terrorism
The Terrorism Act 2006 defines ‘terrorism’ as an action or threat designed to influence the government or intimidate the public. Its purpose is to advance a political, religious or ideological cause.
In summary, terr...
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