Have you ever felt targeted, laughed at for no reason, or excluded by your peers? Bullying is more common than many think, impacting millions of teens around the world every day. It’s not just about the occasional teasing; bullying can lead to serious emotional, physical, and mental health issues. Let’s dive deep into understanding bullying, its effects, and how we can combat it together.
What is bullying?
Bullying is when someone repeatedly and intentionally uses words or actions against someone else to hurt or intimidate them. This can take many forms – verbal bullying includes teasing, name-calling, or making inappropriate comments. Physical bullying involves hitting, pushing, or any use of physical aggression. Cyberbullying happens online and includes sending mean texts, emails, or posting hurtful comments and pictures. A common factor in all these types is the presence of a power imbalance, where the bully holds more power, physically or socially, over the victim.
Effects of bu...
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