General Article Understanding the story of Banaz Mahmod: a quest for justice and awareness

Topic Selected: 'Honour-based' Abuse Book Volume: 443

Banaz Mahmod was born in Iraq in 1985, into a Kurdish family. Seeking refuge, her family moved to the United Kingdom in 1998. However, embedded deep within the cultural practices brought from their homeland, Banaz became ensnared in traditional expectations that ultimately led to her untimely and heartbreaking death.

At the age of 17, Banaz was coerced into an arranged marriage with a man ten years her senior. The marriage, marked by abuse, became unbearable, leading Banaz to return to her family and seek a divorce. Seemingly supportive, her family’s attitude drastically changed once she started a relationship with a man she loved – an act her family deemed dishonourable to their name.

Despite reaching out to the police five times, detailing her fears of being killed by her own family, Banaz’s pleas were tragically overlooked. In January 2006, her worst fears were realised. Banaz was raped, tortured, and strangled to death. Her body was callously disposed of, hidden away in a suitca...

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