1. Find volunteer placements
Find volunteering opportunities on:
- the Do-it website
- in local communities through Community Service Volunteers or on local notice boards (e.g. in a library) or local newspapers
- the VSO website (for overseas placements)
- by contacting a local Volunteer Centre
- the Reach website for volunteers with specific skills – like accountancy, marketing, law, management, mentoring or IT
- volunteer opportunities for people aged 50 or older
- the Volunteering Wales website
- the Volunteer Scotland website.
Young people
Register for volunteer placements at:
- the National Citizen Service website, if you’re 16 to 17 in England or Wales, or 15 to 16 in Northern Ireland
- the International Citizen Service website, if you’re 18 to 25 and want to volunteer abroad.
2. Volunteers’ rights
You don’t have a contract of employment as a volunteer, so you don’t have the same rights as an employee or worker.
You will usually be given a volunteer agreement that expla...
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