General Article What actually is self-harm? A simple guide

Topic Selected: Self-harm and Suicide Book Volume: 400

OK. So you’ve heard of self-harm and maybe you know people who do it. But do you actually know what it is and why people self-harm?

Why do some people feel an urge to inflict pain on themselves?

I can remember as a youth worker running mental health workshops in schools about self-harm and people asking: ‘why would someone want to hurt themselves if they are already feeling low?’  

Why do people self-harm?

Self-harming is, sadly, very common and these days in my work as a counsellor I see many clients who describe their self-harm as a way of trying to cope and feel more in control when they get overwhelmed with emotion. Some want to escape their memories, some want to express what is so hard to put into words and move their emotional pain to physical pain, others want to punish themselves for feeling so low. Many have a combination of reasons and others don’t really know why they self-harm but know it helps them cope in some way.

What are common triggers?

  • Anxiety
  • Bullying
  • Death of ...

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