General Article What are the different types of bullying?

Topic Selected: Anti-Bullying Book Volume: 450

Bullying is a term we’ve all heard, and, sadly, something many of us have experienced in one form or another. It’s not just a playground issue – it can follow us into adulthood and morph into new, equally damaging forms. Let’s dive into the different types of bullying, their impacts, and how they manifest in our lives.

Physical bullying

Physical bullying is perhaps the most obvious form – it’s all about using physical actions to gain power over someone. This could be hitting, kicking, pinching, or any other form of physical aggression. It’s not just about inflicting pain; it’s about instilling fear. Victims might find themselves dreading school, feeling unsafe in certain spaces, or carrying the physical and emotional scars of their experiences. Physical bullying often requires immediate intervention to ensure everyone’s safety.

Verbal bullying

Words can cut deeper than we think. Verbal bullying uses language to belittle, demean, or intimidate. This could be through name-calling, ins...

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