General Article What is the problem with plastic?

Topic Selected: Plastic Problem Book Volume: 440

Plastic is everywhere around us, from the water bottles we drink out of, to the packaging of our favourite snacks, to the containers we use for storage. It has become an integral part of our modern lives, but what many of us may not realize is the growing problem associated with plastic. In this book, we will explore what plastic is, how it is made, and the various ways it is used, while also shedding light on the environmental challenges it poses.

What is plastic?

Plastic is a synthetic material made from polymers, which are long chains of molecules. These polymers can be moulded into different shapes and forms. As a raw material, plastic is a solid, but when heated and processed, it becomes a malleable substance that can be easily shaped. Plastic is incredibly versatile and is used in a myriad of products, from single-use items like straws and cutlery to durable objects like cars and electronics.

 How is plastic made?

The production of plastic starts with the extraction of raw mat...

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