If you’re being bullied, it’s important to know that you’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to address the situation. Here’s what you can do if you’re being bullied.
1. Talk to someone you trust
One of the most important things you can do is talk to someone about what’s happening. This could be a parent, teacher, school counsellor, or even a close friend. It can feel scary to open up, but it’s essential to let someone know what you’re going through. They can provide support, offer advice, or even take action on your behalf. Keeping it all to yourself can make the situation feel more overwhelming than it really is.
2. Stay calm and don’t react
Bullies often want to get a reaction out of you because it makes them feel more powerful. As hard as it is, try not to react with anger or fear in front of them. Stay calm, walk away, and avoid giving them the response they’re looking for. By not letting them see that they’re bothering you, you take away some of their control.
3. Sa...
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