Meat is nutrient-rich
Red meat is naturally nutrient-rich, which means it provides a substantial amount of certain vitamins and minerals. Meat also contains water, helping it to remain lower in calories compared with other foods.
The B-vitamins thiamin and riboflavin support skin health and stimulate the release of energy from dietary carbohydrates. Niacin is also important in energy release and supports digestive health. Vitamin B6 is vital for normal immune function and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Vitamin B12 is a building block for red blood cells and the DNA inside our cells. Phosphorus, in conjunction with calcium and vitamin D, maintains bone strength, while zinc is important for normal wound healing and muscle recovery.
Facts about fat
All of us need some fat in the diet to provide us with energy, essential fatty acids (which are not made by the body) and to help the body absorb certain vitamins. However, it is important not to have too much fat in the diet...
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