General Article Why would anyone shoot an elephant for fun?

Topic Selected: Animal Rights Book Volume: 445

Every year, trophy hunters slaughter tens of thousands of wild animals, bizarrely claiming that killing rare species is an effective way to protect them. Born Free’s Head of Policy, veterinarian Dr Mark Jones, reports.

Trophy hunting is the killing of selected wild animals for sport or pleasure, by predominantly wealthy Westerners, and it is a big business. Hunters pay huge sums to kill wild animals, then post pictures of themselves next to the dead bodies of their victims, before displaying the animals’ heads, skins, or other body parts on their walls or trophy cabinets. 

Born Free has campaigned to end the grotesque, so-called ‘sport’ of trophy hunting since our inception. We strongly refute claims that trophy hunting significantly supports conservation or local communities, and are currently raising funds to fight elephant exploitation and protect elephants in the wild.

Every year tens of thousands of wild animals are brutally killed by trophy hunters. Among them are hundreds of ...

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