General Article You can’t control the headlines but here’s some stuff you can control

Topic Selected: Depression Book Volume: 404

It’s been a pretty overwhelming time, with one wave of bad news after the next. There’s uncertainty over where things are heading in Ukraine, the rising cost of living, climate change worries and how we adapt to living with covid – things feel shit right now, so we’ve put together some stuff that might help. However bad things are, we’re here, united. 

The last couple of years have been weird, filled with lockdowns, worrying headlines and scientists pointing at scary graphs. It’s been a tough, anxiety-inducing time. Then, when things started to get back to normal, a load of other shit hit the fan.

So it’s not surprising we’ve got used to waiting for bad news and when things are out of our control, it’s easy to feel helpless. While we can’t control a lot of what’s going on, here’s some stuff you can control.

United against doomscrolling

It’s good to stay in-the-know about what’s going on in the world, but sometimes you need a break from bad news.

As humans, we’re hardwired to pay att...

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