General Article Young activists share their vision for human rights

Topic Selected: Human Rights Book Volume: 442

Anghelina, Anna Katherina, Doris and Fran have a common vision for their future and the future of human rights.

For Anna Katherina, a 17-year-old defender from Venezuela, there is no question that human rights are inherent to everyone.

‘They are not something you earn or win, they are something you are born with and that everyone should have,’ she said. ‘Even though we have documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that state that every human can access those rights, the reality is completely different sometimes.’

Anna Katherina explained that her engagement with human rights stemmed from being a victim of bullying from a young age because of her family’s social and economic status – they live in a poor area of her city. Two years ago, she started her activism against bullying to help other children experiencing similar violence.

‘[Children] have the capacity to talk about what affects us and challenges our daily lives. It’s important that not only people who work ...

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