General Article Zoos repeatedly failing animals

Topic Selected: Animal Rights Book Volume: 445

Freedom for Animals has been campaigning for over 65 years for an end to keeping animals in zoos. Animals do not belong in captivity and there is sufficient evidence that many species, for example elephants, do not cope well with life in captivity. Captive elephants live shorter lives on average than wild living elephants, have poor reproductive success, high rate of stillbirth and infant mortality and significant foot, joint, and muscular problems.

Organisations like the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) would have us believe that zoos are essential for conservation and education, yet over 60% of animals in zoos are not endangered in the wild and few, if any, zoo-bred animals are ever released back to the wild.

Zoos claim that they exist to educate people about the plight of wild animals around the world, yet even though zoos have existed for well over 100 years we are currently in a biodiversity crisi...

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