General Article Consumers

Topic Selected: Consumerism
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Who is a consumer?

We all are because we are all users. We use goods and services every day. We need food, warmth and shelter. We travel on buses or trains, visit the doctor or dentist, go to the library, have a haircut, go to the cinema or watch television. At home we use energy in the form of gas, electricity, coal or oil. We expect clean, drinkable water from the tap. If we put out the dustbin we expect the local council's refuse collection service to pick it up and empty it. We demand a minimum standard of education and health care and we rely on the police to help safeguard our property.

Consumer rights and responsibilities

Being a good consumer means knowing what to look out for and what to avoid. It means knowing where and how to get the best value for money, where to go if things go wrong. Your role as a consumer has both rights and responsibilities; for example:

The right to choose

Consumer choice is something you might take for granted because you expect to ...

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