Credit card companies are regularly giving consumers false or misleading information when they call to make a credit card claim enquiry, according to new research from Which?
In an undercover investigation*, the consumer champion found that 71 out of 120 calls to credit card companies failed to give researchers useful and correct advice about making a claim.
Mystery shoppers called the 12 biggest credit card providers to ask on behalf of a friend or relative about making a claim for goods bought or ordered using a credit card. Only ten out of the 120 advisers mentioned Section 75 or the Consumer Credit Act by name, and our researcher was given the correct money limits for claiming on Section 75 in just one of the 120 calls.
Many of our researchers were given incorrect information about where they could reclaim their money or get more help. Lloyds TSB told the caller to contact the Ministry of Justice, Barclaycard recommended their local authority and NatWest suggested pursuing the clai...
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