By Emily Lidgard
Black Friday pulled at our purse strings this week, as it does every year on the 26th. With the alluring deals, many of us enjoyed a mini shopping spree this Friday. However, does this consumer mindset negatively impact our mental health?
The average modern-day consumer is subject to five thousand advertisements per day. That’s thousands upon thousands of glossy, demanding messages imposed onto you from glimpses of eye-catching colourful billboards, to covert social media posts; we can scarcely escape them, from our own homes, to our phones. We are constantly surrounded by the message: ‘SALE SALE SALE’
It is not only the advertisements to blame, but our own increasing need for new things. We accumulate and wish for an inexhaustible list of commodities. We are insatiable, constantly looking forward to the next new thing.
Why exactly do we enjoy shopping? We can look to our brains’ responses to understand the essence of shopping’s exhilaration. Even just considering p...
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