General Article I want to leave my relationship safely

Topic Selected: Domestic Abuse Book Volume: 441

Preparing to leave 

However you’ve kept yourself safe until now, there may come a time when you feel the only option is to leave your partner.  

It’s never too early or too late to leave an abusive partner. Your safety matters – if you do decide to leave, it is best to plan your exit carefully. 

Careful planning is important because abusers can become more violent and controlling and their actions can continue to pose a danger after you have left too – so it’s a time to be especially cautious. Remember: ending the relationship will not necessarily end the abuse. Women’s Aid is here for you. You are not alone.   

Thinking about leaving and making the decision to go can be a long process and may even take several attempts.  

Here is a checklist of things you may want to consider in your planning stage:   

  • Plan to leave at a time you know your partner will not be around.  
  • Try to take everything you will need with you, including any important documents relating to yourself and your ch...

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