It all begun when I saw my dad hit my mum
Through a key hole I’d look
To see my mum’s life being took, you see
Sometime I’d have to run
He’d take his belt off and say you’re next son
Can’t quite describe the fear
Whenever that man is near
Sometimes he’d say go to your room
Get half way through then
Boom, boom, boom then smack, smack,
The best would crack her near the eye
It’s this man, I pure despise
The neighbours say they can hear her cries
Tear drops dripping from her eyes
Me on my own I sit in silence
Whenever I’m away from the violence
Think of a place by myself, with nobody else
In school it travels the news,
About me and how I’ve got a new bruise
On my cheek a little to the left
I’m actually considering death
Cause suicide, seems like the only way
To make my day
To make my dad pay
No-one listens to what I say.....!
- The above information is an extract from the EVAW's report A Different World is Possible, and is reprinted with permission. Visit fo...
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