Rethinking consumerism will not only boost environmental protection – it will also help to tackle the crisis in young people’s mental health.
Blogpost by Chris Large, Global Action Plan – Our Lives. Our Planet.
What if the solution to the mental health crisis facing young people is the same as tackling environmental degradation? That solution is at hand – moving beyond consumerism.
The environmental damage of consuming resources at the current rate is well known. Across the world, 60% more resources are consumed every year than the sustainable rate, driving the pollution, climate change and ecosystem damage that are documented in ever more distressing detail.
Evidence about the effects of consumerism on mental health and wellbeing is also building, and it makes similarly painful reading. And yet consumerism remains one of society’s few unquestioned doctrines. We’re prepared to have lengthy debates about many complex issues, from EU membership to wearing religious symbols at work. Bu...
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