By Claire Jackson
These are very strange times that we are living in – as I’m sure you have already noticed. It’s easy to feel overcome with anxiety and helplessness at the current situation the coronavirus outbreak has caused. However, there are things that we can all do to help one another, and, through doing so, help ourselves. Amidst the severity of the daily updates on the spread of the virus, the world’s media has also been highlighting virtuous behaviours displayed by individuals and groups, such as volunteering, service, and ‘acts of kindness’.
Benefits of volunteering
Here at the Jubilee Centre, we have explored the ‘double benefit’ that many gain from volunteering, whereby through helping others, we both benefit society and ourselves through character development and increased wellbeing. Studies, such as that by Pine et al. (2018), have found that volunteering to support those affected by a disaster or crisis can potentially help to reduce the volunteers’ stress and anxiet...
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