A forced marriage takes place when the bride, groom or both do not want to get married but are forced to by others, usually their families. People forced into marriage may be tricked into going abroad, physically threatened and/or emotionally blackmailed to do so.
Every year, hundreds of young people in Britain, both male and female, are forced into marriage against their will, often by violence and blackmail from their own families and relatives.
It is a violation of fundamental human rights
Forced marriage is wrong and cannot be justified on any religious or cultural basis. In the UK, forced marriage amounts to a form of domestic violence and/or child abuse. It can affect women and men as well as girls and boys from any community and background.
It is different from an arranged marriage
Unlike forced marriages, in an arranged marriage both the bride and groom choose whether or not they want to marry the person suggested to them by their families. In a forced marriage there is...
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