By Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalisation and Development; Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford & Robert Muggah, Co-founder, SecDev Group and Co-founder, Igarapé Institute
- Globalisation entails the spreading of new forms of risk, just as it brings benefits.
- Given mishandlings of the pandemic, the decline of Atlantic trade relative to the rise in Pacific and Indian Ocean trade will be more rapid than foreseen.
- The current inability of politicians to manage global threats and build a more inclusive world is a sign of too little globalisation, not too much.
Globalisation is the most progressive force in the history of humankind. It has heralded more rapid improvements to more people than any other human intervention. While COVID-19 has temporarily disrupted some cogs in the chains of moving goods, services, people and – to a lesser extent ideas – that constitutes globalisation, it has accelerated others.
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