General Article You were told: a voice for killed women

Topic Selected: Domestic Abuse Book Volume: 441

An extract.

By Anna Ryder and Jhiselle Feanny

This report is based on the testimony and experiences of bereaved families who have lost loved ones to violence. It contains content that some may find traumatic.

Introduction and context

A woman is killed by a man every three days in the UK. 62% of these women are killed by partners or ex-partners and 70% are killed in the sanctuary of their home. These murders are brutal and cruel; in over half of them there is evidence of ‘overkill’ – the use of ‘excessive, gratuitous violence beyond that which is necessary to cause death’, and many are killed in front of their children.

As harrowing as these statistics are, they do not convey the enormity of the impact of these crimes and the deep-rooted culture of inequality and misogyny which enables them. They do not convey the deep lifelong suffering inflicted on the families torn apart, or the violence, rapes and abuse suffered by many victims before their death. They do not express the threat o...

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